

Description of Modules#

The magnetotellurics section adds some processing capability, based on the MTpy library (MTgeophysics/mtpy) (Krieger and Peacock, 2014; Kirkby et al., 2019). It allows the user to import MT data and perform simple functions on the data, including 1D inversion.

Context Menu#

These context menus are available for modules which have MT data. Output data is only available on green modules. To access the context menu, simply right-click a green module.


Kirkby, A.L., Zhang, F., Peacock, J., Hassan, R., Duan, J., 2019. The MTPy software package for magnetotelluric data analysis and visualisation. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(37), 1358.

Krieger, L., and Peacock, J., 2014. MTpy: A Python toolbox for magnetotellurics. Computers and Geosciences, 72, p167-175.