Welcome to the PyGMI website! It contains more information, including API documentation for the project.

The latest release can be downloaded here.

If there are requests or concerns, please contact me.


PyGMI stands for Python Geoscience Modelling and Interpretation. It is a modelling and interpretation suite aimed at magnetic, gravity and other datasets.

PyGMI is developed at the Council for Geoscience (Geological Survey of South Africa).

It includes:

  • Magnetic and Gravity 3D forward modelling.

  • Cluster Analysis, including use of scikit-learn libraries.

  • Routines for cutting, reprojecting and doing simple modifications to data.

  • Convenient display of data using pseudo-colour, ternary and sunshaded representation.

  • MT processing and 1D inversion using MTpy.

  • Gravity processing.

  • Seismological functions for SEISAN data.

  • Remote sensing ratios and improved imports.

It is released under the Gnu General Public License version 3.0

View the PyGMI project on GitHub!

The latest release version (including windows installers) can be found here.

You may need to install the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019.

If you have any comments or queries, you can contact the author either through GitHub or via email at